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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARadio Airplay: Internet and Old Fashioned Broadcast

Are you a DJ hosting a folk and acoustic music radio show? No matter if you are streaming on the Internet, podcasting or using the old fashioned but tried and true airwaves, you are most welcome to play my music on your shows. If you do decide to play Debra’s music on your show, please include your show’s name, station ID and frequency if you are on terrestrial radio. Please also include the link to your show and/or station’s website so we can tell the world!

For DJs in the United States

Please contact me via phone or email with the preferred address where you like to receive recordings and indicate if this is your station’s or another address. Please include your show’s name, station ID and frequency if you are on terrestrial radio. Please also include the link to your show and/or station’s website so we can tell the world!

For DJs OUTSIDE the United States

USA DJs are also welcome to access these files.

I would love for you to have my music, however International US postal rates have almost doubled since January 2013, making it cost prohibitive to send physical recordings.  I can make broadcast-quality downloads along with graphics and notes available to you.   PLEASE CONTACT DEBRA FOR THE PASSWORD TO ACCESS BROADCAST QUALITY AUDIO FILES. Please also indicate what format you or your station prefers.

On the calendar

Calendar update coming soon!

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