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Pre-Purchase “Greening the Dark”

Pre-Purchase Levels

Here are the levels for contributions. You can, of course contribute any amount that you wish . Want to name your own price? You can do that with a minimum of $20.00 USD

Your Price: $ 



If you use the buttons below,  the shopping cart will appear in the upper right when the page refreshes. Please update the cart and it will either link to PayPal or Manual Check-out ONLY. Click on the button level you choose below for which you would like to contribute. All amounts will be in US dollars. 

All contributions will receive a very special E-Thank You.

1) $8-a digital download of the entire CD with graphics and notes when the files become available

2) $20-a digital download (level 1) and an autographed copy of the signed (by me) CD

3) $50-levels 1, 2 and two autographed copies of the new recording, one signed by Dave Mattacks.

4) $110- All of the above and an extra CD of your choice from the catalogue.

5) $1000-all of the above levels  and a very special PRIVATE online video concert just for you 

6) $2000 and up-YOU NAME IT (within reason, of course; sorry, new Teslas or Beverly Hills mansions are not part of the plan). With this level I am eternally grateful that you would invest in this project. Let’s talk!

All pre-purchases include shipping and postage fees to the Continental USA. 

Not too keen on an online payment system? Here are other ways you can pay:

  • CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN US $: If you would like to send a check in US $$, you can use the buttons above and in the drop-down menu choose MANUAL. This will take you to a form on the webpage for you to fill out.
  • CREDIT CARD VIA PHONE: Call me at (508) 662-9746, leave me a message with your phone number and I’ll return your call and take your credit card over the phone. For your security, please do not leave this information in a voice mail; besides I’d rather hear your voice.
  • SquareCash (aka the “CashApp”). If you want to use the Cash App, let me know as they give a $ incentive to you and me when I invite you to the app. If you already have the Cash App on your device, I am $DebraCowanMusic. Please be sure to include a note along with your payment.

If you wish to do this the olde-fashioned way, you can download, print out THIS FORM and follow the instructions.

Outside of the USA: shipping costs are $15 per parcel. I apologize but the US Postal service has raised the International shipping rates quite a lot in the last few years. If you do order Internationally, please be sure to indicate that in the drop-down menu in the shopping cart.


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“Tongue Tied (Live)” WFMT's Folkstage: Fox Valley Festival Preview Debra Cowan
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