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December 4, 2015
I just sent out a newsletter and I am feeling quite a bit more productive. Now to get some writing done and to promote my Concert Window concert on Dec. 12.
December 3, 2015
Getting ready for a Skype meeting. Feeling a bit weird about promoting what I do in light of all the tragedy and sadness. Doesn’t feel right somehow, but I guess we gotta do it. I am not comfortable with self-promotion, never have been but it is that necessary thing to be an artist.

November 23, 2015
Doing battle with iTunes. Sometimes I wonder if it’s me or them. But trying to make some CDs of my old, old old band Tar’d & Feather’d for a young friend who loves the music

Happy Thanksgiving!
We are off to see the relatives in Connecticut with husband’s home-made Linzer Torte. The jam is some that was given to me when I was in Stratford, Ontario. Thanks Jennifer! I am so grateful to have a loving family, and I am also so fortunate to be able to do what I love.