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November Newsletter

November 2013

JDellinger_signDellinger’s Mill

When I travel around, I am fortunate to have many opportunities to visit unique and wonderful places. My trip to North Carolina gave me one of those magical moments that I encounter when I am touring. While in Bakersville, NC a couple of weeks ago, my house concert house, Bruce Koran took me to Dellinger’s Mill and introduced me to Jack Dellinger.  Jack is a fourth generation miller and at 83 years old, has run the mill since 1998.  This is the last surviving water powered grist stone mill in North Carolina. Established in 1867 by Jack’s great-grandfather, Reuben, the mill has been in the Dellinger Family ever since and is now on the North Carolina National Register of Historic Places.

Jack provided a wonderfully detailed history and a tour of the mill. He also got the water going so that I could see how the mill worked. As I was experiencing this little bit of history, I slowly realised that this was one of those moments and memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I also came home with enough grits, polenta and corn meal to last me and the husband for quite a long time. You can find out more about Dellinger’s Mill HERE

That’s Jack in the first few frames.  The last few seconds is the ground corn resulting from the grinding. This was taken with my iPhone and I am not sure how to get rid of the black bars on the sides.  Isn’t that the coolest?

California Here We Come!!

John Roberts and I are hitting the road (or the skies in this case) and heading west to do four concerts in Northern California.  If you are in the general vicinity of Tracy, Davis, San Francisco or Chico, we’d love to see you!  Our concert in San Francisco is very special; we’ll be performing on the 19th century square rigged ship the Balclutha that is now permanently moored at Hyde Street Pier at the National Maritime Heritage Park. The schedule is below with details and links. If you know someone in these areas, please let them know about these concerts.

Discounts Discounts Discounts!

A special discount just for YOU. The holidays are coming upon us and music does make a great gift for your friends and family. From now until the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) I have placed a $7 discount on all of my CDs. To take advantage of this offer, go to the Listen, Learn and Buy page on the website or click on the “vistit the store” link below and place your order.  When you see the shopping cart, there is a small box that says “apply code”.  In this box type in TURKEY.  Contact me if you have any questions. NB: this discount only applies to two CDs or less. You get a 15% discount off the total on 3 or more CDs.


That’s all for now. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the music and that support helps me to do what I love.

As always, keep in touch!



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