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January 2018 Starts Tonight!

January 2018 NE Performances

Starting my 2018 schedule on a local note and continuing next weekend with appearances in NH, CT and Cape Cod. If you are within striking distance (and have been able to dig your car out) come on out to one of these shows!


I’ve got a few shows happening this month and all of them are close enough to my home in Shrewsbury, MA where I can come back to my house after the performance and sleep in my own bed. Three of these shows will be with my good friend, John Roberts.

You can find all the details on my calendar at the website.



Jan 6-Somerville Songwriter Sessions

Last September, I was supposed to be one of three artists on stage for the Somerville Songwriter Sessions, but I had to cancel due to illness. This month, I get a re-do. As many of you know, I am not a songwriter. I let the folks with THAT talent knock themselves out. My job is to take what the songwriters create and “spread the gospel” so to speak.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I want to alert you to an event in which I’ll be appearing. I’ll be sharing the stage with two great songwriters, Doug Farrell and Sam Bayer and I do hope you will try to attend. There will be a short open mic from 7:30 – 8 PM, followed by 20 minute solo sets from each of us. We’ll finish off the evening with an in-the-round song swap which should be quite interesting.



Jan 12-Music at Bass Hall (with John Roberts)

Sponsored by the The Monadnock Center for History & Culture, this will be our first appearance in their series Music in Bass Hall located in Peterborough, NH.  We are really looking forward to this.



Jan 13-Branford Folk Music Society (with John Roberts)

John and I return to Branford, CT, just east of New Haven. John is well loved in Branford and has appeared many times there over his almost fifty years of performing, often with his long-time musical partner, Tony Barrand. This is my third appearance at Branford and we are sure it’ll be a great evening. Before we start, there will be a short set by our good friend, Julia Friend.




Jan 14-Woods Hole Folk Music Society (with John Roberts)

For the third year in a row (with a skip in 2016 due to John’s hip woes) we are coming back to Cape Cod and Woods Hole Folk Music Society. The Community Hall in Woods Hall has some of the best acoustics and we usually give Clyde Tyndale (WHFMS organiser and sound guy) the evening off from twiddling knobs so that he can enjoy the music. This is a singing audience, so bring your voices!





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