Vote For Marty!
In California you have to do a year of student teaching before you can become credentialed to mold the minds of the young in the Golden State. My master teacher, Marty Sampson was a one-of-a-kind teacher and I have known this grand lady since 1985. We worked together during the ’85-’86 school year in Concow, California and after I left teaching and moved to New England years later, I found out that we have a mutual friend in Marc Bernier who works at Mystic Seaport.
What is so funny is that she really hasn’t changed a bit! She still looks the same as when I first met her. As an educator, Marty was an inspiration to work with and poured so much of herself into the kids and into the school to create an exciting learning environment for not just the students but the staff as well. I learned so much from her in that one year and I can definitely say she had a huge impact on me, not only in teaching but in many things outside the classroom.
I can see that she brings the same tireless dedication to her volunteer work with Butte Humane Society that she did in the many decades as an educator in both Los Angeles and in Butte County. To all of my friends who see this (and especially if you love animals) please watch the video and vote for Marty. She certainly deserves it.