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In the UK? Free Shipping!

specialFor the next 24 hours (until 12 noon, December 15, 2015) if you live anywhere in the United Kingdom you can get free shipping on any CDs in the store. I am traveling over to the UK and can post any CDs ordered from in-country. This saves YOU the $10 (approx £6.50) cost! What a deal!

Here’s what you do:


  1. Contact me on email: dcowan AT Debra Cowan DOT com (be sure to replace the words with the icons and remove the spaces) with the name of the CD you want in the subject line. In the email be sure you include your postal details <——THIS IS IMPORTANT!
  2. Go to, click on the “Family and Friends” link and send me £10 at the above email address. That’s all you need to do.
  3. If you choose NOT to use Paypal, you can send a cheque or UK money oreder. I’ll reply to your email where you should send the cheque and to whom it should be made out. I cannot accept cheques written on a UK bank. I apologise for any inconvenience.

You can go to the Debra Cowan Estore to Listen, Learn and Buy!


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