Welcome 2015!

“Harmony” Sculpture by Betty Gerich
I am usually feeling a bit renewed at the start of every year. It is a time to regroup, but I always seem to go back to many of the old ways. Maybe the old ways are just too ingrained?
Something I discovered in 2014 is how much love and kindness is in the world. I always knew it was there, but in 2014, I actually really felt it deep down inside. I saw love flourish, grow and take a very firm hold on a community in the wake of illness and death. I saw how paying it forward, being grateful and having respect for others no matter how much disagreement abounds seems to make ME feel better about things. I learned some life-lessons in 2014 from former students who are now MY teachers.
Dave Goulder, a songwriter in the UK wrote a song called “The January Man”. It’s a song rich in images and describes time’s passing quite vividly. I include the lyrics first then followed by a version from the late Bert Jansch. You can find many other versions on YouTube.
Oh the January man he walks abroad in woolen coat and boots of leather
The February man still wipes the snow from off his hair and blows his hand
The man of March he sees the Spring and wonders what the year will bring
And hopes for better weather
Through April rain the man goes down to watch the birds come in to share the summer
The man of May stands very still watching the children dance away the day
In June the man inside the man is young and wants to lend a hand
And grins at each new comer
And in July the man in cotton shirts he sits and thinks on being idle
The August man in thousands take the road and watch the sea and find the sun
September man is standing near to saddle up and lead the year
And Autumn is his bridle
The man of new October takes the reins and early frost is on his shoulder
The poor November man sees fire and wind and mist and rain and winter gale
December man looks through the snow to let eleven brothers know
They’re all a little older
And the January man comes round again in woolen coat and boots of leather
To take another turn and walk along the icy road he knows so well
The January man is here for starting each and every year
Along the road for ever