June Appearances
It’s June and no it’s not busting out all over. In fact, it’s raining and the temperature out there is 49 degrees F. But…there are good things happening this month, mainly three excellent events, two of which I am involved in.
Sail Boston 2017 will be happening on June 17-22 and this will be an all-day event. I’ll be performing on Saturday, June 17 and Sunday, June 18 on stages at Charlestown Navy Yard which is home to the USS Constitution, the oldest US Navy commissioned warship. Come on down and explore tall ships, hear some great music and enjoy some amazing history!
I am very pleased to to announce that I’ll be appearing at one of my favorite festivals, the Old Songs Festival that will be taking place on June 23-25. This year, Old Songs will be celebrating 40 years of keeping many music traditions going, not only our own, but traditions of other cultures. It will be a wonderful weekend and I look forward to joining so many good friends on stage. In addition, there will also be a performance of “Forward Into the Light, The American Women’s Suffrage Movement A Concert in Song and Story”. <—-Click on this link to watch videos of songs from the show. Here is a link to the full festival performer line-up. See you there!
Last but not least is a festival that is near and dear to my heart, though I won’t be there this year. That is the Mystic Seaport Sea Music Festival that will be taking place this weekend, June 8-11. Lots of fantastic performers and lots of opportunities to learn about maritime traditions and to also join in.