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Supporting Fast Food Workers

A protester holds up a sign at a demonstration outside McDonald's in Times Square in New YorkIt’s been inspiring to see, read and hear about the many courageous fast food workers who are saying “Enough!” These employees of McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and other establishments are taking to the streets to demand living wages, benefits and the ability to unionize without retaliation. You can hear an NPR story HERE.

If you have a lot of time, you can listen to Tom Ashbrook of WBUR’s “On Point” from July 31. Here’s the link: “Fast Food Economy”

On my 2012 CD “Among Friends” I recorded a song written by my good friend, Deborah Van Kleef called “The Great Fast Food Strike.”

[mp3-jplayer autoplay=”n” tracks=”The Great Fast Food Strike@04-AmongFriends-FastFoodStrike.mp3, “]

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